Ray Charles Music Quiz

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About Ray Charles

At the age of 15, Ray witnessed the passing of his parents and all of his siblings, leaving him with nothing but music. When he was 16, he relocated from Florida to Seattle, where his music career began to take off. He began performing with various musical ensembles throughout the city and gained a ton of praise for his incredible vocals.

Ray was so committed to music that he and the Maxin Trio co-wrote and released their debut song, “Confession Blues,” when he was just 16 years old. He recorded a ton of solo singles during the ensuing years, several of which routinely peaked at the top of the R&B music charts.

The songs “Kissa Me Baby” and “Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand” by Ray were among his best-selling songs, and they are still well-liked by his admirers. After his single hit song “I Got A Woman” was released, his concept of blended music templates became extremely well-known. This song was categorized as “Soul Music,” and it later emerged as a distinct genre.

Throughout his career, Ray explored a variety of musical genres. He had acknowledged drawing musical inspiration from well-known artists like Charles Brown and Nat King Cole. Additionally, there were always traces of African American culture in his songs and performances.

Despite being blind, Ray never let his disability keep him from reaching the pinnacle of his profession. After years of adversity, Ray achieved fame as a musical “Genius.”