Facts about Afghanistan

Facts about Afghanistan

1. Alphabetism: Approximately 12% of all women and 43% of all men are literate in Afghanistan (the national average is approximately 28%). The number of teachers has increased from around 20,000 in 2010 to just over 142,500 today (2014)

2. New Year: Afghans celebrate New Year on March 21, which is called ‘Nawroz’ and marks the first day of spring. Thousands travel annually to Afghanistan’s fourth largest city, Mazar-e-Sharif, where the day is especially celebrated

3. National sport: Afghans want their national sport Buzkashi (also known as Kok-boru or Oglak Tartis) to become an Olympic sport. Buzkashi, also considered the world’s wildest sport, is a team sport that involves throwing a headless goat over a target line. All players ride on horseback. The sport has been practiced for centuries and is now sponsored by major companies such as telephone and airline companies

4. Poetry: Poetry is a favorite part of Afghan culture and Afghans have been telling stories in verse for over 1000 years. In the country’s third largest city, Herat, every Tuesday night is ‘poetry night’ where men, women and children gather to share old and new verses, listen to traditional music and enjoy sweet tea and cakes late into the night

5. Alexander the Great: Alexander the Great (356 – 323 BC) rebuilt the Afghan city of Herat in 330 BC. Although he married 3 times, he only had children with one of his wives: Roxana. She came from Bactria, an area located between Amu Darya and the Hindu Kush mountains in the north of present-day Afghanistan

Fact: The national sport in Afghanistan is 'buzkashi', which is about getting a headless goat across a finish line
Attribution: Jeremy Weate + Richard Meurk + Eye Steel Film – Flickr.com

Fact: Afghanistan’s national sport ‘buzkashi’ is all about getting a headless goat across a finish line and is often referred to as one of the world’s wildest sports


6. The Anglo-Afghan wars: Britain lost their first war with Afghanistan in 1842, but immediately afterwards established diplomatic relations with the country. The second war between the two was fought in 1878-1880 and resulted in increased British influence in the country. In the final war in 1919, Afghanistan gained its independence with the Anglo-Afghan Treaty (also known as the Treaty of Rawalpindi). However, it should be noted that Afghanistan was never part of British India (and thus the British Kingdom), although the British were influential rulers in the period 1980 – 1919

7. Leaders: Since gaining independence in 1919, Afghanistan has had several leaders removed: 1 abdicated, 2 died in assassinations, 2 were removed, 3 were deposed and 4 were executed

8. Later wars: Since the late 1970s, Afghanistan has been involved in a number of wars – including the war against the invading Soviet forces in 1979 and the current war in Afghanistan that started in 2001

9. Osama Bin Laden: The famous Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden spent a number of years in Afghanistan – supporting Afghanistan’s war against the Soviet Union in the 1980s, but also collaborating with the Islamic movement Taliban from 1996 onwards. However, he ended his days on May 2, 2011, when US special forces killed him in Pakistan on the orders of US President Barack Obama

10. National Day: Afghanistan’s National Day is celebrated every year on August 19, commemorating the day on August 19, 1919, when King Amanullah Khan declared independence

Fact: Afghanistan offers many different types of landscape
Attribution: Officer – Wikipedia.org

Fact: Afghanistan offers many different landscapes. Here you can see (from top left to right): 1. Band-e Amir National Park, 2. Salang Pass in Parwan Province, 3. Korangal Valley in Kunar Province and 4. Kayak Dam in Helmand Province

Geographic facts

  • Location: Southwest Asia. North and west of Pakistan and east of Iran
  • Country borders: China (76 km), Iran (936 km), Pakistan (2.430 km), Tajikistan (1.206 km), Turkmenistan (744 km) og Uzbekistan (137 km).
  • Coastline: 0 km (inland state)
  • Climate: Dry to semi-dry. Cold winters and hot summers
  • Landscape: Mostly mountainous landscape. Plains in the north and southwest
  • Lowest point: 258 m (Amu Darya)
  • Highest point: 7,485 m (Noshak)
  • Natural resources: Natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromium, talc, barite, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt and gemstones
  • Largest city: Kabul
  • Capital city: Kabul
  • Total area (square kilometers): 652.860,00 (2021)
  • Land areas (km2): 636.173,23 (2015)
  • Urban areas (km2): 3.993,84 (2015)
  • Agricultural land (km2): 383.130,00 (2021)
  • Agricultural area (% of total area): 58,74 (2021)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 1,85 (2021)
  • Plant species (higher), endangered: 5,00 (2018)
  • CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita): 0,22 (2020)

Demographic facts


  • Population density (people per km2 total area): 0,10 (2022)
  • Population of largest city: n/a
  • Population growth (annual %): n/a
  • Population, total: n/a
  • Population growth in urban areas (annual %): 18,26 (2022)
  • Population in urban areas (% of total population): n/a
  • Population in rural areas (% of total population): 110,01 (2019)
  • Population growth in rural areas (annual %): 43,77 (2021)
  • Etniske grupper: 42% Pashtun, 27% Tajik, 9% Hazaras, 9% Uzbeks, 4% Aimaks, 3% Turkmen, 2% Baluchis, 4% others
  • Sprog: 50% Afghan-Persian/Dari (official language), 35% Pashto (official language), 11% Turkic languages (mainly Uzbek and Turkmen), 4% minor languages (around 30 different ones - mainly Baluchi and Pashai). There are many bilinguals, but Dari is the lingua franca. In areas where there are Turkish-speaking majorities, one of the Turkish languages may be the third official language
  • Religioner: 80% Sunni Muslims, 19% Shia Muslims, 1% others
  • Net immigration: 61,48 (2021)

Birth and death rates

  • Fertility rate, total (births per woman): 63,85 (2019)
  • Birth rate, gross (per 1,000 inhabitants): 35,14 (2022)
  • Teenage mothers (% of women aged 15-19 who have had children or are pregnant): 8,79 (2021)
  • Death rate, gross (per 1,000 people): 6,91 (2022)
  • Life expectancy at birth, women (years): 11,00 (2018)
  • Life expectancy at birth, men (years): 56,55 (2021)
  • Life expectancy at birth, all (years): 15,90 (2019)
  • Mortality caused by traffic accidents (per 100,000 inhabitants): 44,80 (2022)
  • Mortality, women (per 1,000 adult women): -65.846,00 (2023)
  • Mortality, male (per 1,000 adult males): 0,22 (2018)
  • Suicide rate, women (per 100,000 women): 4.274,00 (2018)
  • Mortality, infant (per 1,000 live births): 0,25 (2020)

Work, income and education

  • Wage earners, total (% of total labor force): n/a
  • Income share of the highest 10%: 55,96 (2021)
  • Income share of the lowest 10%: 56,95 (2021)
  • Unemployment, total (% of total labor force): 12,10 (2015)
  • Labor force, total: 37,27 (2021)
  • Workforce with basic education (% of the workforce): 62,88 (2022)
  • Labor force with medium education (% of labor force): 93.967,78 (2022)
  • Number of poor cf. national poverty limits (% of the population): n/a
  • Proportion of the population with moderate or severe food insecurity (%): 79,10 (2021)
  • School enrolments, primary school (gross %): 5,68 (2021)
  • Youth unemployment, all young people (% of total labor force aged 15 - 24): 3,85 (2023)
  • Young people not in education, employment or training, total (% of all young people): 23,30 (2020)
  • Literacy/literacy, total adults (% of population over 15): 329,56 (2022)


  • Household (and NPIS) consumption expenditure (US$): 0,36 (2021)
  • Electricity consumption (kWh per inhabitant): 1,62 (2022)
  • Inhabitants using the Internet (% of the population): 8.920.521,00 (2023)
  • Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people): 4,60 (2019)
  • Number of smokers, total (over 15 years): 0,01 (2020)
  • Alcohol consumption per capita (litres of pure alcohol, expected estimates, +15 years): 26,93 (2023)

Business and tourism

  • Employers, total (% of total labor force): 4,52 (2022)
  • New companies (number of registrations): 2,67 (2023)
  • New businesses (new registrations per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15 - 64): 4.588.666,00 (2023)
  • Listed companies, total: 203,02 (2022)
  • Business conditions (0 = lowest grade to 100 = highest grade): 73,07 (2023)
  • International tourism, number of arrivals: 66,21 (2022)
  • International tourism, number of departures: 59,77 (2022)
  • Railway lines (total route kilometers): 73,07 (2023)
  • Railways, number of passengers transported (million passenger-kilometres): 2,23 (2023)


  • Hospital beds (per 1,000 inhabitants): 18,40 (2020)
  • Suicide rate, men (per 100,000 men): 0,45 (2018)
  • Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 inhabitants): 42.239.854,00 (2023)
  • Doctors (per 1,000 inhabitants): 54,50 (2016)
  • Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population aged 15 - 49): 149,90 (2019)

Facts Afghanistan's economy


  • BNP (US$): 44,06 (2019)
  • GDP growth (annual %): 14.502.158.192,09 (2022)
  • GDP per capita (US$): -6,24 (2022)
  • GDP, KPP (US$): 352,60 (2022)
  • BNI (US$): 86.077.580.286,44 (2022)
  • GNI growth (annual %): 14.545.219.074,58 (2022)
  • Gross savings (% of GDP): -6,53 (2022)

Inflation, interest rates and consumer prices

  • Deposit rate (%): 4,05 (2021)
  • Lending rate (%): 0,00 (2019)
  • Inflation, consumer prices (annual %): 2.327.649.717,51 (2022)
  • Consumer Price Index (2010 = 100): 149,90 (2019)

Trade and production

  • Trade (% of GDP): 0,60 (2017)
  • Vareeksport (US$): 1.477.807.909,60 (2022)
  • Vareimport (US$): 903.000.000,00 (2023)
  • Food exports (% of merchandise exports): 26,92 (2019)
  • Food imports (% of goods imports): 111,43 (2022)
  • Food Production Index (2004 - 2006 = 100): 69.232.716.427,60 (2021)
  • Index of animal production (2004 - 2006 = 100): 14,84 (2017)


  • Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP): -2,74 (2020)
  • Industry (including construction), value added (US$): 16,05 (2022)
  • Industry, value added (% of GDP): 95,40 (2022)
  • Industry, value added (US$): 10,19 (2022)


  • Armed forces, total: 165.000,00 (2020)
  • Military expenditure (% of GDP):,00 (2023)
  • Military Expenditure (US$): 1,83 (2021)


  • Current health expenditure (% of GDP): 4,05 (2021)
  • Labor tax and contribution (% of company profit): 2,30 (2019)
  • Development Assistance (ODA) received per capita (US$): 278.250.788,01 (2021)
  • Social contributions (% of income): 94,66 (2022)